Personal Training




Customised Hands-On & Lecture Program

Our Coursework option has the structure of our Marquee Courses with the benefit of one-on-one training where you can dictate your own level and speed of learning. Held in the private practice of the specialist, each attendee will receive a hands-on and lecture program tailored to the individual’s needs. You will have the unique opportunity to specify your learning objectives, use the equipment and materials of daily specialist practice, and conduct case discussions.




Case Planning & Postgraduate Preparation

Our Mentorship option will benefit dentists requiring assistance in case planning or those requiring guidance for entrance into postgraduate training (prosthodontics or implantology). Mentorship is provided in-person, via video conference or by phone.


Clinical Supervision


Supervision in Practice

Our Clinical Supervision option involves specialist guidance while you treat your patient in the specialist’s practice or in your own practice (where appropriate). Our specialist prosthodontists currently serve Sydney, with practices located in the CBD, Northern, Southern and Western suburbs of Sydney.