Endodontically Treated Teeth

Unavailable in 2024

St Leonards, NSW, AU

Convened by
Dr Ken Hooi

16 CPD hours

8 hrs practical

8 hrs lectures

4:1 Attendee to Educator Ratio

$3,600 (inc GST)

Unlock the Secrets of Successful Endodontic Treatments

This immersive 2-day course is designed to equip dentists with a comprehensive understanding of endodontic and restorative workflows for the successful management of endodontically treated teeth. Led by expert clinicians Dr. Marcus Yan and Dr. Ken Hooi, participants will engage in a blend of didactic lectures and hands-on clinical simulation exercises to enhance their knowledge and clinical skills.

Day One, convened by Dr. Marcus Yan, focuses on endodontic diagnosis, non-surgical treatment protocols, and the management of complications across a spectrum of clinical scenarios. Attendees will delve into the intricacies of endodontic diagnosis, learn evidence-based non-surgical treatment techniques, and gain insights into managing common complications encountered during endodontic procedures.

Day Two, convened by Dr. Ken Hooi, shifts the focus to restorative prognosis and treatment protocols following endodontic therapy. Participants will explore restorative options, restoration design principles, and the intricacies of interim and definitive restoration management. Through interactive case-based discussions and hands-on exercises, attendees will refine their clinical capabilities and develop a nuanced understanding of restorative decision-making.


By the end of the course, participating dentists will achieve the following learning objectives:

  • Enhance knowledge of clinical procedures, materials, and techniques in endodontic diagnosis, non-surgical treatment, and overall case management.

  • Improve clinical capabilities in assessing restorative prognosis, selecting appropriate restoration designs, and managing interim and definitive restorations.

  • Develop awareness of routine standards of care in specialist endodontic and prosthodontic practice.

  • Gain insights into endodontic and restorative treatment modalities through close interaction with experienced specialists.

  • Acquire a concentrated schedule of education in non-surgical endodontics and routine fixed prosthodontics, ideal for revising knowledge base and practical skills.

  • Prepare for postgraduate coursework programs through comprehensive lecture and practical-based training.


The course schedule is as follows:

  • 8:00 am – 6:00 pm across 2 days

  • Practical clinical simulations: 8 hours

  • Educator lectures: 8 hours

  • Breaks (Tea breaks & lunch): 4 hours

Throughout the day, morning and afternoon tea, as well as lunch and drinks, will be provided to keep you refreshed and energised.

Course Educators


Sydney Centre for Dentistry
19 / 39 Herbert Street
St Leonards, NSW, 2065


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