Dr Samuel Kim
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon
Grad Dip Dent MBBS, MMed, FRACDS(OMS)
Dr Samuel Kim is highly regarded Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon with a dental degree from Griffith University, medical degree from the University of New South Wales and Master’s degree from the University of Sydney. His speciality training saw him gain experience in top hospitals in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Newcastle. Dr Kim holds appointments as a specialist Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney Children’s Hospital and the Canberra Hospital. Samuel is the chief exam coordinator of junior Oral and Maxillofacial trainees for the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (RACDS).
Dr Samuel Kim has a particular interest in TMJ disorders and is the clinical director of TMJ Clinics, a multi-disciplinary clinic for treating patients with TMJ disorders. In his spare time, he is completing research studies towards his PhD and is involved in pioneering minimally invasive TMJ surgery techniques to help patients achieve better outcomes. Samuel is an active member of the international jaw joint surgery community, facilitating both courses and lectures in his speciality field. Dr Kim is the only surgeon in Australia performing operative TMJ arthroscopy and minimally invasive TMJ replacement. Along with TMJ surgery, Dr Kim is an accomplished general oral and maxillofacial surgeon with interest in dentoalveolar, third molar and dental implant surgery.
CREED Educators
Anthony Adaimy
Dr Chrys Antoniou
Dr Chee Chang
Dr Brian Chee
Dr Monique Cheung
Dr John Cho
Rhett Clayton
Dr Tuan Dao
Dr Shalin Desai
Dr Robert Fell
Dr Peter Hell
Dr Ken Hooi
Dr Samuel Kim
Dr Sreenivas Koka
Dr Danielle Layton
Dr Lydia Lim
Dr Ricky Lim
Dr Chris Moule
Dr Anthony Murphy
Dr Zoe Potres
Dr Armand Putra
Dr Mehdi Rahimi
Dr Donna Richards
Dr Tony Rotondo
Dr Mark Sinclair
Dr Gary Smith
Dr Gautam Sridhar
Dr Stephen Travis
Dr Terry Walton
Dr Jason Wang
Dr Marcus Yan
Dr Alan Yap
Dr Wendy Yu